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Monday, August 23, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
8th August Sermon Discussion - 4th Dimensional Thinking
Last week, Pastor Khong shared about the 4th dimension. If you recall, the 4th dimension is the world of the spiritual world. It is where the works of the Holy Spirit of God, the spirit of Satan, and the human spirit of man take place. There are 4 keys to the 4th dimension which are thinking, vision and dreams, faith and words. Today, we will look deeper into the 4th dimension thinking.
Do you know how powerful our mind is? It is said that the state of life is determine by the state of mind. This means that your thinking controls the way you live. And that’s why to enter into the 4th dimension, we can’t have 3rd dimension thinking (worldly thinking). We need to renew our mind to have 4th dimension thinking. Look at Romans 12:2
We need to think in 3 specific ways:
1) Think possibility
Have you heard before the ‘half full or half empty cup theory’? It goes like this. Water is being filled to the half line marker of the cup and you decide whether the cup is half full or half empty. This theory is used to see how people perceive their situation in life. People who see the cup as half empty are normally pessimistic about life. They don’t see any possibilities to their problems. Whereas people who see the cup as half filled, are normally optimistic about life. They see possibilities instead of problems.
You see, when we face challenges in life and we don’t think of the possibility, we are actually saying that our God is the God of impossible. And with that thinking, we can never enter into the 4th dimension.
Today, will you believe with all your mind that ‘with God, all things are possible’ and ‘you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength’ ?
2) Think pure – Matthew 5: 8
There are 3 types of impure thoughts. They are anxiety, sin and inferior thoughts.
Anxiety: In Mat 6: 25-34, God tells us not to worry. But honestly, how many of you worry a lot? Share with your cell what are 3 things that your normally worry about. Do you know that worrying goes no where? It’s like sitting on a rocking chair. You can rock all you want but it goes nowhere. Today, surrender your worries to God and trust Him. Know that He has good plans for you.
Sin: Look at Romans 1:28-31. Are they sinful thoughts in you? It can be thoughts of envy, lust, murder etc. Will you confess to your leader about it? Don’t wait till your thoughts become real. Remember, our mind can control the way we live.
Inferior: Let’s discuss. When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you see a masterpiece or do you not like what you see?
When we do not like ourselves, we are actually criticising God’s creation. Maybe some of you here dislike the way you look because of what people say about you. Write it down on a piece of paper of all those hurtful words that were said about you.
Take the paper, close your eyes, and tear it because these are all lies and you need to let go of it and start to believe that you are a MASTERPIECE! You are SPECIAL!
3) Think Paradise
Read Ephesians 2:6-7
To think paradise, is to think that you are with God in the heavenly realms.
Do you know that you are 4th dimension creature living in 3rd dimension world. Look at Ephesians 2:6. God is seated with us! Now you know this truth, will you start to have 4th dimension thinking? When you start to have 4th dimension thinking, you will see the impossible becoming possible, the supernatural becoming natural, and the victimize becoming victors!
1. Some of you here might not be leading a group because you think you can’t. Today, will you take a leap of faith to believe that you can? Invite 1 friend to your cell 40DOF group or Teens excite.
2. Have you been reading the bible? To have 4th dimension thinking, you need the word of God. Start reading the bible today!
3. Memorise Romans 12:2
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