Thursday, January 28, 2010

24th Jan Sermon Discussion - “Influencing Our Community through the Transformation Principle”


For the past few weeks, we have learnt that God can use us to do great things for Him. We just need to have Faith.

Do you know what does F.A.I.T.H stands for? Forsaking All, I Trust Him.

Yes, we just need to surrender every of our fears, our shame, our thoughts and to walk in His way. When we are all willing to walk in His ways, our schools, our families, our nation can be transform.

Look at Pastor Brian Burton’s life. Are you inspired by his life? He is an ordinary man yet he does extraordinary things simply because of the Great God he worship. The God that he worships is the same as ours.

Thus, if God can use him, God CAN USE YOU TO DO EXTRAORIDNARY THINGS!!! Yeah!

2 Principles on how do we influence the community:

Principle #1: Act Righteously

In order to influence our community, we first need to a live a life that is pleasing to God. This means making a stand for God – saying no to sin and yes to His calling.

When we dare to not conform to the world, and stand up for what is right in God’s eyes, people will be drawn to us. Take for example, school bullying. Do you know that 1 out of 4 students are being bullied in Singapore? Are you wiling to stop this by loving your classmates and not gossiping about them? When you see your classmates being bullied, are you willing to protect them?

When we live a life that is pleasing to God, God will give us a winning strategy to win our family, friends, school and the nation.

Activity 1: Sharing - Have we been living a life that is pleasing to God? If not, do share 3 things that you want to change?

Principle #2: Be a Blessing

Activity 2: Time to pen it down

1. Do you believe that God has given you the power and authority to bless the community? If you believe, write down 3 things that you can do to serve your family and 3 things to serve your school.

Next, identify 3 problems that you see in your family and school. For example, your parents have no time to do housework. Write down how you can help and do it this week. When we start to serve and meet the needs, people will see God’s love.

2. Be committed to pray. Pair in groups of 3 to pray for your family, school and Singapore. Let’s have faith to see transformation.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

17th Jan Sermon Discussion - “Making The First Move with God”

Bible Passage: Joshua 3

Activity 1:

Title of Activity – Crocodile, Crocodile, please can we cross the River?

Instructions of the Activity:

Mission of the Activity – Cross the River without being caught by the crocodile

Step 1 – Choose a person to be the crocodile

Step 2 – Form the banks of the river with 2 lines, this side of the line known as “near bank”, and the other side of the 2nd line known as the “far bank”.

Step 3 – Have the crocodile position in the middle of the River

Step 4 – Have the rest of the Cell Members position themselves in the “near bank of the river”

Step 5 – Everyone ask the crocodile: “Crocodile, crocodile, please can we cross the River?”

Crocodile will answer: “Only those with …..” and everyone one will try to run across the “River” to the “far bank of the river” without being caught by the river.

For example, after the crocodile says, “Only those with shoe laces”, then everyone will run across the river to the “far bank”… But the crocodile can only catch those without shoe laces…

Step 6 – Whoever that is caught becomes the new crocodile

Step 7 – Re-run this activity for a few rounds until someone get caught 3 times.

Introduction of the Word Discussion:

Joshua chapter 3 shows us how the people of God chose to take a step of faith in laying hold of God’s promises. After wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, Joshua and the new generation has decided to take that step of faith to cross River Jordan and moved into the Promised Land.

2 weeks ago, we talked about rising up as a Joshua Generation. Previous week, we talked about how anyone of us can be part of the Joshua Generation. This week, we want to answer the question of “Where and how do I start to be part of this Joshua Generation?”


#1: SURRENDER your life to God – This helps us to overcome FEAR

QUESTION: Have you really been living a surrendered life? Is God just a part of your life? If He is, then our lives will be apart from God. What are some areas that you have not surrendered to God? Let’s share with the group some of these things and commit ourselves to live a surrendered life.

#2: SEEK God’s glory – This helps us to overcome SHAME

QUESTION: Have you invited a friend to church in the last month? If yes, share how you found the courage to ask them. If no, share what are some of the things that hinder you. Are you afraid of rejection or what your friends might think of you? As a group, commit yourselves to seek God’s glory in all that you do so that you may no longer be self-conscious but God-conscious.

#3: STEP out in faith – This helps us to overcome INERTIA

QUESTION: Do you want to see miracles? Do you want to see God working miracles in your life and through your life? Take that step of faith! Share with the group what are some areas where you need to take a step of faith. What sort of inertia is preventing you from taking that step? Pray that God will help you to overcome this inertia.

CLOSING: Come together as a group and declare that you:

1. Receive the call to be a Joshua Generation

2. Know that you can be part of the Joshua Generation

3. Will make a choice and start to become part of the Joshua Generation

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

10th Jan Sermon Discussion - “Only By Grace - The Scarlett Thread”

Bible Passage: Joshua 2

Looking at Joshua’s life, we think that God used him because he is a great man. But in Joshua 2, we see how God used a woman called Rahab. Rahab was a prostitute. She was unlike Joshua. However, God used her to be part of the group that brought the people into the Promised Land. On top of that, she was part of the genealogy of Jesus!! ( Matthew 1: 5 )

Isn't that amazing! Though Rahab was a sinner, God still used her. If God could use a person like her, God can definitely use you.

3 Truths about God which allow us to put our Trust in God and KNOW that He can use us:

1. God is Great

Joshua 2: 8-11
Rahab knew that God is great. She heard about the miracles that God did and understood the power of God. Because she knew this truth, she tapped into the power of God.

Split yourself into 2 groups. Take out a piece of paper. Each group has to write down 3 stories that are found in the Bible that speaks about God’s power. The group that finishes the fastest wins the game.

Do you know how powerful our God is? He is more powerful than any superheroes you ever knew. When you are willing to be used by God, He will display His power through you.

Sometimes we doubt if God can use us and display His power through us because we are too self-conscious, focussing on ourselves. In order to be used by God, BE CONSCIOUS of the power of God and stop focusing on our inadequacy.

2. God is Gracious

Deut 9:6; Romans 5:20; Eph 2:8

The Devil is constantly trying to accuse us and make many of us think that we are not worthy to be used by Him. God is Gracious. Rahab has no right to inherit the promise of God as she is not even an Israelite. The fact is, Rahab was a prostitute which was despised by even her own community. But God was gracious to Rahab.

Write down 3 weaknesses that you have. Do you know that God can still use you despite your sins & weaknesses?

2 Corinthians 12: 9,10 ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.’

The Devil will say to you, ‘You are not good enough, you have sinned against the Lord and the Lord will never forgive you’. He will tell you many lies that will pull you away from God. If God will never forgive you, why would He send His Son, Jesus, to die for you? Why would He bother to send His only Son just to clear our sin?

3. God is Faithful

Joshua 2:12-14; 17-19; 2 Timothy 2:13

It is not enough to know that God is Great & Gracious, we need to know that God is Faithful. Only when we know that God is faithful, then we can trust God fully! God always remembers His promises and will never forget because He is faithful. 2 Timothy 2:13 tells us, “ if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” He will be great and gracious forever because of His Word to us.

God can use you as long as you believe it because…
He is a God who is Great, a God who is Gracious and a God who is Faithful !

Do you want to be a part of the Joshua generation? And believe that God can and will use you this year in the 40 days of faith? Will you choose to believe in God and not yourself?

(Click here to read full post)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

3rd Jan Sermon Discussion - “Rising Up As A New Generation”

Bible Passage: Joshua 1:1-9

2010 is not only the beginning of a New Year but a New Decade. God wants to raise a new Joshua Generation to fulfil what God has intended for us... We do not want to be like the Moses Generation which did not experience all the blessings that God has given to them and did not enter the Promised Land.

We want to be a Joshua Generation so that we will not be afraid of the giants in the Promised Land. We want to fulfil the Purpose of God in our Lives and ENTER the Promised Land!

SP is going to start the year 2010 by preaching through a series of messages using the book of Joshua. God has great plans for FCBC, for YouthNet, for the Teens Congregation... but we need to move out of the Occupation Mode and move into the Conquest Mode!

How do we rise up as a Joshua Generation?

3 Principles to Follow :


Activity 1: Sharing

i. On the scale of 1 -10, how much do you believe that God can use you? (1 - Don’t believe at all; 10 - Believe wholeheartedly )
Do not say 5 because we can’t be lukewarm in our decisions. If you are below 10, what’s stopping you from believing?

John 15: 16, ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.’

Jeremiah 1: 5 ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’

God can use YOU!! (At this point, it will be good if the cell leader can share personally how God uses them)

ii. Now as you believe that God can use you, are you willing to start a cell group in your school? If you are, take this time to think on how you are going to start a cell in your school and write a faith goal. For example, “ By faith, I will have 5 members by the end of March.” Remember, with God, all things are possible! Have faith!

iii. Pray for your school!


Activity 2:

i. Have you been a good student/good daughter/son? If not, what can you do this year to become a better student and child ?

ii. Have you been doing your quiet time daily? Do you know that in order to walk in holiness, it’s important to spend more time with God. When you spend more time with God, you will understand His heartbeat. This will help you to walk in holiness. Today, will you decide to walk in holiness? Write a letter to God.


A Joshua generation is one that thinks about others. As you know, PROJECT X is our project as a family of Christ. Project X is about cell MULTIPLICATION. Are you willing to be part of this project? If you are, let’s join hands as a cell to pray!

Let’s end off with this song of faith. You know the song, “OLD MACDONALD had a farm” ? To the same tune, let’s sing this song:

FCBC planting cell, Ha-lle-lu---jah
FCBC planting cell, Ha–lle–lu–jah
Here cell, there cell, everywhere cell cell,
FCBC planting cell, Ha–lle–lu—jah!!!!

Yeah, let’s have faith to believe that there will be a cell in every part of Singapore!

(Click here to read full post)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

27th Dec Sermon Discussion - “Thank You Lord for 2009”

Scripture Reference: Psalm 100 (A Psalm. For giving thanks.)

This is the final weekend of 2009. In a matter of days we will all be celebrating and ushering in the new year, 2010! Take a moment and think through what you’ve done for the year 2009 and as you do that declare Psalms 100, a psalm of thanksgiving together as a group.

Question of the Message: Why we are to be Thankful to the Lord for 2009?

1. Because the Lord is God - Avoiding the Sin of Forgetfulness

Psalm 100:1-3 … Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us…

Honestly, how many of us give thanks to God every day? How many of us remember to thank God when He blesses us with good grades/ family harmony/good friends, etc? Do you know when we stop giving thanks to God for His blessings or forget about how He blesses us, we are allowing pride to blind us?

Deut 6:10-12 When the LORD your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, … – a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, ... olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget the LORD, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

· Let’s take some time now to remember & reflect on some of the significant things that happen in our lives in 2009 and give thanks to God. Let’s take time to Count our Blessings! Let’s share with one another what are some of these Thanksgivings…

· Is there any way you can share your Blessings with Someone you know…, where you can bless someone with the same blessing that you have received? Let’s share with one another what we can do to share God’s blessing for us with someone else…

2. Because the Lord is Good - Avoiding the Sin of Grumbling and Complaining

Psalm 100:4-5; Num 23:19; Exodus 15:22-24; Exodus 16:1-3; Num 20:1-5; Num 11:1-6

Maybe in the year 2009, it’s had been tough year for you and you kept asking God why, why must this happen? At times we don’t understand why God allow certain things in life to happen. Indeed, life is never easy. But are you willing to trust God in good and bad times? Are we willing to stop grumbling when things are bad and trust God that He has good plans for us.

In Exodus 16:1-3, we see how the Israelites were comparing, complaining and grumbling about their situation. They had been set free from their slavery in Egypt but now because of a little hardship they were unhappy and said that they were better off in Egypt! Oh, how they’ve forgotten where they came from. They had forgotten the worse life that they had before which is why they were comparing, complaining and grumbling.

There was once a man who always complained about how he did not have shoes. He kept grumbling about his pitiful state until one day when he saw a man without feet to enjoy the comfort of shoes. Only then did he remember to count his blessings.

· Are there difficult moments that you have gone through in 2009? Let’s share with one another so that we can pray for one another… okie?

· Does anyone have an example of how we have complained about our situation but the Lord showed us someone else who was going through much worse situation than we were in?

· What is the difference between sharing with one another our struggles and grumbling / complaining about all the difficult situations that we are in?

It is all about whether we have a Heart of Gratefulness…

Let’s Pray: “O God, remove from me the spirit of grumbling & complaining… and Replace it with a Spirit of Gratefulness, of Thankfulness…”

Let’s take time to pray for one another that God will help us overcome our struggles as we end off singing the song “Give Thanks” as a group.

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