Tuesday, October 27, 2009

25th Oct Sermon Discussion - "Can God Depend on You?"


Before we discuss about the Sermon today, we have an announcement to make: Camp Transformers – An Exciting growth camp for all teens in FCBC aged 12-16, including the Gkidz P6s moving into YouthNet… Dates: 18-20 Dec (Fri – Sun); Fees: $40

Activity 1: Movie Talk

Starter Questions: Who has watched the movie: “Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen”? How do you find the movie? Are there any truths worth remembering about the movie? (Allow the teens to answer and talk about the movie themselves…)

Leaders’ personal wrap up:
I remember it was so touching when the movie ended with Optimus Prime thanking the boy for saving his life, Sam replied, “Thank you for believing in me…”

· Is this not the same for many of us… We rise up to be used by God because we were encouraged along the way by someone who believed in us… gave us the chance to serve the Lord… Just like Optimus Prime can depend on a ordinary child like Sam, we too want to be those whom God can depend on!

The Question of Today’s Message is: Can God Depend on You?
(Message by Pastor Dishan Wickramaratne)

Summary of Ps Dishan’s Message:

1. God is looking for people whom He can use… God looks at the heart… God is asking, “Who can I depend on?”; “Who can I trust?” (1 Samuel 16:7)

2. An example of someone that God uses greatly is one of Jesus’ 12, Andrew, better known as, Simon Peter’s brother. Andrew is a simple & quiet person that the Lord could trust, that the Lord can depend on. Andrew was one of the first who knew Jesus, the first to say that Jesus was the Messiah. Although Andrew was not well known, Andrew was faithful in bringing people to Jesus. It was Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus. (John 1:40-42a)

3. In the story of Jesus feeding the 5000, it was Andrew who spoke up positively when the rest of the 12 disciples were negative. It was Andrew who spoke up about the young boy who had 5 loaves & 2 fishes. Many of us remember that Jesus fed the 5000, remember the boy who had the 5 loaves & 2 fishes. Very few people took note that it was Andrew who brought the boy to Jesus. (John 6:5-9)

Today’s message is about God wanting to use us for His Purpose… God is NOT asking us to DIE for Him… God is asking us to LIVE for Him… God builds His Kingdom with faithful people who are willing to bring their friends to Jesus… Are you willing to SHINE for Jesus in your lives and introduce Jesus to your friends by bringing them to church or evangelistic events so that they can know Jesus?

Activity 2: Discussion & Praying for Friends

During the Teens Camp, “Camp Transformers”, there will be an Evangelistic Event where we can invite our friends to attend, on the 2nd Day of the Camp (19th Dec 2009), from 1pm to 7pm.

Discuss as a cell how can we facilitate the bringing of our friends for this Evangelistic Event on 19th Dec. Then pray for the friends by name…

Invitation cards will be given out to the cell members on the following week cell mtg on 1st Nov…


Do NOT belittle what God can do through YOU!!! Let us rise up and be someone that Jesus can depend on! Dear friends, what are we going to do for our God? Can God depend on us? Let’s Pray together…