Thursday, January 28, 2010

24th Jan Sermon Discussion - “Influencing Our Community through the Transformation Principle”


For the past few weeks, we have learnt that God can use us to do great things for Him. We just need to have Faith.

Do you know what does F.A.I.T.H stands for? Forsaking All, I Trust Him.

Yes, we just need to surrender every of our fears, our shame, our thoughts and to walk in His way. When we are all willing to walk in His ways, our schools, our families, our nation can be transform.

Look at Pastor Brian Burton’s life. Are you inspired by his life? He is an ordinary man yet he does extraordinary things simply because of the Great God he worship. The God that he worships is the same as ours.

Thus, if God can use him, God CAN USE YOU TO DO EXTRAORIDNARY THINGS!!! Yeah!

2 Principles on how do we influence the community:

Principle #1: Act Righteously

In order to influence our community, we first need to a live a life that is pleasing to God. This means making a stand for God – saying no to sin and yes to His calling.

When we dare to not conform to the world, and stand up for what is right in God’s eyes, people will be drawn to us. Take for example, school bullying. Do you know that 1 out of 4 students are being bullied in Singapore? Are you wiling to stop this by loving your classmates and not gossiping about them? When you see your classmates being bullied, are you willing to protect them?

When we live a life that is pleasing to God, God will give us a winning strategy to win our family, friends, school and the nation.

Activity 1: Sharing - Have we been living a life that is pleasing to God? If not, do share 3 things that you want to change?

Principle #2: Be a Blessing

Activity 2: Time to pen it down

1. Do you believe that God has given you the power and authority to bless the community? If you believe, write down 3 things that you can do to serve your family and 3 things to serve your school.

Next, identify 3 problems that you see in your family and school. For example, your parents have no time to do housework. Write down how you can help and do it this week. When we start to serve and meet the needs, people will see God’s love.

2. Be committed to pray. Pair in groups of 3 to pray for your family, school and Singapore. Let’s have faith to see transformation.