I want to testify God's favour and goodness at work. I'm in pharmaceutical sales and I have to do quarter sales closing. In the last 2 weeks of March, there were just too many bad news at work. Many of the expected sales are unable to come through due to the bad financial climate. I felt very disappointed, discouraged and also helpless.
That weekend I attended the G12 conference and heard Pastor preach on the power of the blood of Jesus and tapping into the blessings of the garden of Eden. I went home thinking about the message and had a revelation. I had to stop believing in the lies of Satan and start applying the blood of Jesus in my life. I prayed and by faith I trust that things are going to be different.
The following week, I went to get my sales with the confidence of the Lord. Miraculously, the clients who reject or say unlikely to give me sales last week all said yes to me!
At the end of the day, as I consolidate the numbers, not only had I met the challenging targets, I even had some excess! Praise The Lord!
Not only did God provide, He provided in abundance! I had a head start to the new quarter!
I believed that it was the change in mindset and the rise of faith. Instead of being discouraged l decided to exercise faith, rejected the lies of Satan saying times are bad and its difficult to close the deals. I visualized success and proclaim God's victory and know that it will come to pass!
This was one of the most challenging sales closing but yet it was the easiest I've ever done because God is the one at work, not me.
Indeed God is my provider and the blood of Jesus is powerful! Praise God!Written by Diana Darlene Koh (Ps Rachel Lee Tribe)
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