Saturday, February 7, 2009

My family my hope

So i've been praying about this for a long time, God has been telling me to wash my parents' feet and share to them about His love.. I cooked dinner for them, but my dad act went to work, and only came back at 9 plus. Told him i've something to show them, but he seemed skeptical and like wanted to eat and bathe first. Then while i was talking to Mel on the phone and she was praying for me, my sis walked out. She said i didn't tell her that she had to be there, and she was meeting somebody. I don't know why, but i felt terribly disappointed. Started to tear, i just felt like my plans were ruined. After that i went to my room and started praying, and worshipping God. Found back my peace in Him, knew in my heart that He was in control. Truly, everytime we do something for God's Kingdom, there will be spiritual warfare, and we must be prepared for it, and fight on. The devil will try all means to make us give up. We must not let him win.

So my parents watched the Kelvin Soh video, i think my mom enjoyed it, but my dad was a bit uncomfortable. He's actually quite against Christianity one, cos of idol worshipping. So i kept praying against spirits of idols and pride, and anything that may stop him from being touched by Him...

After the video i shared my testimony, then reviewed the 100k blessings that they chose that last time, to affirm them that God has indeed answered every prayer. After that, i knelt down and apologized to them for all i've done tt's hurt them all these years, and for not being filial in the past. Following which, i attempted to wash their feet..

My dad was super shocked, he jumped and refused to let me wash his feet at first...kept asking me to get up. But i insisted so eventually just dip a bit haha.At the end of everything, i gave them Chinese Bibles. =)

My mom is open, but i think she's not totally committed yet, mostly cos of my dad...i think he still doesnt know that she received Christ. But will be continuing to pray for them. I believe a seed is sown in my dad's heart too, against all odds. Continue to pray hard for your families that are unsaved. It is the Lord's promise that if one in the family is saved, all will be saved. He will definitely keep His promise, if we are faithful in obeying all that He asks us to do. =)

Posted by Jennifer Tan