Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Whole Life is a Miracle!

My name is Lydia. I’m born into a Christian family. My whole life is a miracle. When I was only a few months old, I was diagnosed of hydrocephalus MENINGTIS. More than 80% of my brain was damaged and the doctors gave me at most one year to live. But today, I am able to stand here to testify that God has kept me. I have gone through 30 operations and I have experienced much of His grace and mercy.

Because of my condition, I’m not able to do well in my studies nor do many things that my friends of my age are able to do. But God gave me a place in this special school, where I have very good teachers who believe in me and I am able to use my talent. I am also surrounded by very good friends. I am very thankful to God for all the people He has surrounded me with especially for my mum and sister. They take good care of me and are always there for me.

Recently, during a medical review, the doctor detected water retention in my brain again. After so many operations and having 3 shunts in my head, the doctors have decided not to do anything about my condition anymore but to just observe me. I was very scared. I do not want to die yet.

Just at this time, my mum signed me up for the encounter weekend. The Lord spoke to me during one of the sessions that “I will be fine and not to worry.” Here, I gave my life, my past and my sickness to Jesus and accepted him in my life. Now, I am not afraid.

This baptism means a lot to me because in 2 Corinthians 5:17, God says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are new.” So, I am trusting God with my life. My time is in His hands. By the way, my name, Lydia means “worshipper of God”. God has blessed me with a beautiful voice. My dream is to be a worship leader and I will live to sing praises to His name.

by Lydia Ang
(Testimony dated 26th December 2008)