Friday, February 20, 2009

Army is My Paradise!

My life in BMT is very relaxing physically, but still challenging mentally as I have to live with (1) People who uses vulgarities like punctuation mark, (2) Strict army regimentation, (3) Platoon mates who are not happy over every minor issues.

But for me? I believe that army is my paradise. It's a good training ground to build some character, and life principles.

When I first stepped into Tekong, I asked myself what do I want to see myself doing here - and I set only 1 boundary for myself: No vulgarities.

Eventually, as time passes, began to add more principles to my army life as I read the Word of God daily:

  1. No reading of FHM, Maxim or similar materials to set a good example as a Christian as well as to stop all the lust of the flesh.
  2. No Chao Keng.
  3. No complaining and murmuring about my duties.
  4. Humility -> I learn to take humble pie in all circumstances, give a listening ear to the people around me, help resolve misunderstandings, go an extra mile to help my section mates, encourage my platoon mates to get things done.
  5. Excellence - As the toilet I/C, i always report to the toilet the earliest, and leave the toilet the last during cleaning. I choose to do most of the dirtiest things and even do my duty when I'm not feeling well so that all the other cleaners are motivated to do as well.
  6. Discipline -> I learn how to discipline myself to do quiet time and read Godly books during my free time.

After applying so many principles in my army life, amazing things begin to happen:
  • Platoon mates came to confide in me about their family or girlfriend problems.
  • People invited me to do bible study with them, invited for prayer meeting, people are glad to work with me, even for guard duty.
  • I managed to share the gospel with my section mates.
  • Encourage one of my section mate with bible verses and resolved some tensions between my platoon mates.

In short, what I want to say is that the Word of God should turn into active living principles that you anchor on everyday of your life, Then as you apply these principles, you see yourself growing more, you see yourself able to manage all the challenges with great ease.

1 Corinthians 15:58 - Therefore stand firm my brothers, let nothing move you, for your labour in the Lord is never in vain

by Thomas Cheong Junjie (right side in photo above), 18 years old, currently in BMT


e said...

Hi Thomas, Praise God for all the wonderful opportunities to shaine for Jesus in BMT Tekong.....keep it up, we are proud of you.

ps e

Unknown said...

That's the way to go. Everything you say - a very biblical principles. And the outworking will make you shine for the Lord!

I was the toilet IC too.. haha.
Hmmm interesting, huh...