Wednesday, July 29, 2009

26th July Sermon Discussion - “Molded to be a Masterpiece”

Scripture references: Jeremiah 18:1-10

In small groups of 3 or 4 persons, share what you know about the process a potter takes to produce his final ceramic/potter product. (take about 3 min)

What are the factors that will determine how the final product will look like? (take about 3 min)
Possible answers:

  • The picture the potter has in mind and his continual shaping
  • The treatment process to the clay (quantity of water used, frequency of water used, ability to get rid of air traps in the clay…)
Let us read Jeremiah 18:1-10

Observation: In this passage, you will learn what you’ve just shared earlier, that is
  1. How the pot turns out as a final product depends on the potter, and
  2. How the pot turns out as final product depends on the quality of the clay
Therefore, from Jeremiah 18:1-10, we learn that if we want to be molded as God’s Masterpiece, we need the same 2 truths:

Truth #1: It’s NOT ABOUT Me! God Must Be My Centre Of Attention – Don’t Be 2nd Best
Jeremiah 18: 6 "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?" declares the LORD. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel."

Truth #2: It’s ABOUT Me! I Am God’s Centre Of Attention – There Is A 2nd Chance
Jeremiah 18:4 “But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.”

  1. We all want to be molded by God to be His desired masterpiece. Is there any area in your life right now that God is showing you that He wants to remould for His purpose. Share and pray with one another.
  2. In the process of being molded by God to be His desired masterpiece, God always gives us a second chance. Share a breakthrough that you want to see God do for you today. Pray a blessing for each other.