Wednesday, September 9, 2009

30th August Sermon Discussion - "How to Run a Fishy Business"

Scripture Reference: Luke 5:1-11

1. Prepare a piece of paper and pen for each member. Get them to compete by writing down as many different types of fish that they know of / have eaten before. Whoever manages to come up with the longest list within 2 minutes wins.

2. Read Luke 5:1-11. There are 3 key elements that we need to become effective Fishers of Men. What are they? Which of the 3 elements do you need to have more of in your own life?

3. Name 2 of your closest friends in school. If you had a chance to talk to them about God, what do you hope to say to them? Pray and ask God for opportunities and for courage in each other for this week to talk to our friends.