The thing that I brought home (literally, as you will see if you read on) from the conference was a greater impartation of faith. Not just for the multitudes but also for what He can do for my family.
My maid and my mother have a rather disharmonious relationship. Basically their communication consists largely of my mom screaming at her for screwing up and my maid trying hard to understand where she went wrong because of her poor grasp of the English language and my mother’s apparent “accent” (in my maid’s own words). As spectators to this bloody sport, my sis and I will try to stop my mom from going too far, but this usually produces the opposite result, unfortunately.
There were also times when my mom contemplated sending her back. When this happens, I usually get an SMS from her telling me such. Coincidentally, it ALWAYS happens when I’m in church and it will ALWAYS be followed by an SMS by my sister telling me how scared she is and how lonely she will be when the maid leaves. This will ALWAYS leave me feeling horrendously guilty for not being there for my family.
Keeping to that rather morbid pattern, I received several SMSes from my mom and sis regarding the abovementioned topic during the G12 conference. This time it seemed final. My maid was actually packing her bags at that very same time.
I felt very discouraged. It just felt like the Hiroshima end days of my nuclear family.The subsequent SMS exchange I had with my sister was nothing short of depressing as she shared about what transpired and how she felt about it (she cried). I was all ready to cave in to the belief that in real life things never change, when I remembered one of the pastors saying something like “you can never please God without faith” and thus one should believe.
It was then that I made a desperate prayer to the Lord to resolve my little domestic situation. I cannot remember the exact words I uttered but it was something to the effect of asking God to preserve the sanctity of the familial institution.What happened next was nothing short of amazing.
The next SMS I received was from my mom telling me that she was keeping my maid.
She added that she talked to my maid and they HUGGED (I expected an exchange of blows actually) and my maid told my mom that my mom was just like a mother to her.
That left me speechless.
It is not one-off too, what happened with my family. I can sense my mother making an effort to be more patient with my maid. She fails sometimes, but it’s a work in progress and I’m thankful.
To shamelessly rip off a certain sportswear label, impossible is nothing to God.
So today, make the choice to hope and believe. There can be change.Krystle, from Ps Evelyn’s Tribe
If you make that change to keep the faith regardless, everything will change.
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